Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Building Evil Intro

                                                Building Evil

We are going to venture into something definitely new for us, how to called “Building Evil”. Remember “There is more than one way to skin a cat”. During our production we may have found it easier or at the time of doing it the quickest and best way. Sometimes time is of the essence and needs to get done so there may be some short cuts taken. Given more time you may find different ways or changes or techniques.

Our first how to is going to be,
“To haunt or not to haunt your home, that is the question”
Should I: If its one thing we have heard and believe in over the years is “Don’t haunt for the money…Haunt for the fun of it”. We can’t agree more, don’t expect to grow from your home haunt into one of the pyro-technique master pieces out there and retire. Do it for the enjoyment of Fear of it. If you are able to on into big productions like that…GREAT!!!
It doesn’t matter if you are afraid to go into haunted houses or get scared out of your wits in horror movies or faint from needles (hint…hint). Tap into that fear that sends a tingle down your spine and implement it in your haunt. You would be surprised how many share the same terror as you.

What kind of room do I need: Start small, you don’t need to fill the entire yard your first time. Start easy with a grave yard and expand from there. You start with a cemetery in your front yard or be a little bolder with “Diner for the Dead” and have a mini restaurant with monsters seated at tables along with tables waiting to be seated. These are just a few small and easy ideas; let your imagination run wild. As you grow you will be adding new things along with adding to existing things.

Cost: Yes you could go broke putting on a haunt. Talk to other home haunters, even the bigger haunts, they want to change what they have which means “great deals”. Go to your local 2nd hand store, swap meets and garage sales thru out the year. Don’t wait until August, remember spring cleaning begins in the Spring not the Fall. They are all great ways to save. When beginning to look and you have an idea what you want to find write it down. Tell your family and friends, the more the merrier. They will go crazy knowing that you are starting a haunt. Also don’t forget garbage day, walk the neighborhood and “dumpster dive” the night before. Also get to know other neighborhoods garbage days. You would be shocked what you may find. One man’s garbage is a haunter’s treasure!!! I grin to even say this but there have been a stream of closing home haunters and a few giving their stuff away to “good homes”. So check on line. Nothing breaks our heart more than to hear “Closing” come from a haunter. Wait till after Halloween Sales in your favorite Halloween Stores.

Options: Just like any project you do, once you are done you see some things you might change or ideas to make it unique in different ways. So we include this to give you further ideas for each project.
Tools: What kind of equipment are you going to need? Most tools are found around the house anyway. Althought there may be some times you will have to “shelve” a Build due to lack of tools and maybe build it another time.

Steps: We will walk you thru the building process step by step and try to explain as we go what to do and measurements to check depending on the project. This should also help in that if you have to stop and come back to  a project you know where you left off.

We plan on changing up from prop making as well as anything that comes crawling out of the ground thru the year. Feel free to contact us with ideas or have any questions.  

Our Evil on Everest in 2000 humble beginnings